Mixed Unsorted Used Clothing From Charities
Mixed Unsorted Used Clothing From Charities

Mixed Unsorted Used Clothing From Charities

This product is generated worldwide in economically developed countries like USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, Japan etc. Materials are collected mostly from charities or private collectors and then shipped on a as is basis as raw materials (Original/Credential/Institutional Mix Rags etc) for further sorting and grading into various product categories (more than 100 in no.).

In India the same is sorted/re-graded in the Kandla Free Trade Zone within Gujarat, for further re- export. This business is mostly on a kilo basis and all packing is done in bales/cap sacks.

In addition to the Free Trade Zones within India, Kishco also supplies this material to other international countries where it has tie ups for sorting/grading at their end.

Key Products

These products cover the entire gamut of post consumers textile Upcycling + Recycling internationally and Kishco plays a very important role in each of these product categories.